Anacortes Christian Church

Series: Genesis
Genesis 3:1-10

Mike Rauwolf | November 06, 2016, 10:00AM


Main Points:

Genesis 3 provides deep insights into the topic of Sin. In particular, this message explores the Root of Sin, the Essence of Sin, and the Result of Sin.

  • Root of Sin = Desire (Though desire itself is not necessarily sin)
  • Essence of Sin = Rebellion and Idolatry (Claiming the authority to redefine good and evil).
  • Result of Sin = Slavery (In seeking autonomy and freedom to rule over our desires, our desires ironically rule over us).

James 1:14-15: 14 But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.15 Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

Dissatisfaction –> Desire –> Lust (Coveting) –> Redefining Good and Evil in order to gratify lust –> Rejection of Calling and Identity –> Nakedness and Shame –> Hiding from God –> Conformity to the object of our lust –> Dehumanization and death.


  1. Can you think of specific examples in which a desire yields sin? i.e. The desire for significance becomes strong enough that it results in gossip, and so on.
  2. When the Serpent whispers “Where are you?” What is he trying to do?
  3. When God asks “Where are you?” What is He trying to do?
  4. How can you better equip yourself to recognize the voice of the serpent, and combat it?
  5. How does God make a way for us to be free from our sin?
  6. Read James 5:16. Is there sin you need to confess? Pray for one another.

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